
Your attitude to cleaning affects the division of responsibilities at home

50% of couples in relationships quarrel about cleaning. This is shown by a new study on cleaning and work in the home that Hemfrid has developed in collaboration with the research company Novus. It also appears that the attitude to cleaning at home affects how one divides the work into a couple relationship.

It's above all the attitude to cleaning that affects the division of work at home. Your attitude determines whether you take responsibility or let your partner do more.

The key to a friction-free cleaning day

The survey shows that there is a clear connection to the fact that those who disagree most about cleaning at home also describe cleaning as "boring" and "a necessary evil". At the same time, they believe that their partner takes more responsibility for the cleaning than they themselves think they do. There is a clear connection between how long you have been with your partner. Those who have lived together for a long time seldom quarrel or never disagree about cleaning at home.

You should clean your home at least once a week. Our most satisfied customers are those who have cleaning every week as the home does not get a chance to get as dirty and you can spend your time on other things. When we take care of the home, our customers experience that there is less everyday fuss about cleaning.

Jörgen Lidvall, Sales Manager at Hemfrid.

Also read The level of ambition is the basis for the cleaning quarrels