Cleaning in Malmö.
- Right now! Become a home cleaning customer before April 14 – get deep cleaning for free. Use code: HS0425
More than service.
You can feel secure with our staff and the quality of our services. Our team of meticulously selected and trained employees have some of the best conditions in the industry and are as committed as they are skilled.
We tailor our services to you. With access to our extensive range of services, we shape every detail to meet your needs. You can be confident that the outcome will always be as you wish.
Being a customer with us is effortless. Our innovative services, technological solutions, and dedication to accessibility ensure a frictionless and smooth collaboration.
Hemfrid i Malmö.
Welcome to Hemfrid! We are located throughout Malmö. We are a cleaning company that performs several household services such as Move out cleaning in Malmö, Window cleaning in Malmö and Deep cleaning in Malmö. As a Home cleaning customer, you also have access to a range of options, such as help with laundry and dishes. You decide which rooms to include, what to do and how you want it done. We collect it in a cleaning description so that it is easy to follow the same procedures.
Is cleaning the last thing you want to think about when you come home after a long day at work? As a customer with us in Malmö, you get a Hemfridare who comes to your home and performs the cleaning - just the way you want it. All our employees at Hemfrid Malmö are trained, are permanent employees and are covered by collective agreements. The cleaning products we use are our own and are marked with Bra Miljöval. You can feel safe when you hire Hemfrid Malmö as a cleaning company.
Here you can find us in Malmö
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